Glade Run is pleased to provide Family Reunification services using the Boy’s Town model On The Way Home. Parenting support provides parents with skills that are needed as youth transition back into the home after residential services. Consistency between the residential program and a youth’s home helps the youth make a smoother transition. Parents learn how to help their youth continue using the positive skills they learned in residential care and also how to prevent and correct problem behaviors. Parents receive six individualized training sessions in their own home followed by 24-hour assistance on how to use their parenting strategies.
Support is also provided to the youth’s school to help students continue their academic success and stay in school. We work with school staff to advocate for the student’s academic needs and monitor his or her educational progress. This includes tracking attendance, grades and school behavior, helping the student address and resolve challenges, and working with the school to design school-based interventions as needed. This focus is on encouraging student engagement at school and promoting a partnership between the youth’s family and school so everyone works together.
Homework Support
Homework support is provided to help create a learning environment in the home. Parents learn how to set up a positive learning environment, monitor their child’s homework and get assistance with additional academic supports for their child when needed. This helps reduce tension and frustration when homework (for youth and parents), improves learning and promotes school success.
When do services start?
Services typically begin six to eight weeks prior to a youth’s departure from residential care. This helps establish a parenting plan with the family that assists in the youth’s transition home.
How long do services last?
Youth and families typically receive two hours of service a week for up to 12 months.
Where do services occur?
Services occur in the youth’s home and school, and in the community.
What does the research say about On the Way Home Family Reunification Programming?
On the Way Home was developed, implemented and tested through a partnership between the Boys Town Child and Family Translational Research Center and the Academy for Child and Family Well-Bring at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The studies included youth in middle and high school who were departing residential care programs and returning to their families and schools in their community. Youth and families that received On the Way Home services were compared to those that received traditional support. The first study showed youth who received On the Way Home services were more likely to be at home and in school 12 months after services ended compared to youth who received traditional support. The results of the second study are under review. On the way Home is rated as having Promising Research Evidence on the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare.
For more information about the program and how to qualify contact Pr. Christina Hough at 724-452-4453, ext. 1150 or chough@gladerun.org.